Monday, September 19, 2016

Frost Giants Are Easy


Each of the players received a magical item, which has many attributes! ;)

Ciyuri - Dragonborn Gravity Knight - Gets the Ild Rod

This 4 ft long, weighing 100 pounds. This heavy metal pole which is more of a staff, but being so wide can be understood to be a giants rod. It has 10 charges of locate object. Also in the past, the rod has vibrated and lurch when creatures of giant subtype have been nearby. The user of the rod suspects there are other special abilities this rod may have...

Dorn - Human Fight - Banner of The Krig

5 ft high, 3 ft wide, this red thickly clothed banner has the War Rune Giant Glyph on its side. As a bonus action, Mark of Courage - the user can touch the banner to emanate courage within a 20ft radius. This gives advantage on saving throws and ability checks. Also in a 20 ft radius the user can See Invisible creatures and stealthy creatures. The user suspects the banner has more abilities...

Din - Tiefling Warlock - Pennant of the Vind Rune

This blue pennant is created from silk and is 5 ft long, whipping about as if buffeted by a wind. The user can caste Wind Step - fly 20 ft. Wind Grasp - If you fall take no damage. Wind Walker - levitate as a bonus action. All of these abilities require a long rest before they can be re-used.

Jom - Dwarf Fighter - Gravel of the Venn

Appears to be a Warhammer... Attacks against welder have disadvantage. Definitely has more abilities...

Boonlogin - Gnome Wizard - Shard of Ice

The user who has this item on their person, is resistant to fire damage. Can caste Icy Mantle - standard action creates icy mantle of protection. Within next minute, if you or another creature takes bludgeon, slashing, or piercing damage, that damage is reduced to zero. Definitely more this shard can do...

As a group of Frost Giants attack Bryn Shander, a molti-crue of adventures run from the tavern to the Southwest Gate, since that were they hear a booming voice. As they approach the Gate it finally breaks open and two Giants attack viciously a couple of the players. Yet the players are bad ass and take out the leader of the Frost Giants, as well as her counterparts. Once they defeat the Giants the rest of them run away. The city is now in ruin, but the adventures go back to the tavern to celebrate their victory! But as they go back and start drinking, a bunch of people approach them with quests:

Markham Southwell asks the players to patrol the ten villages nearby for Giants. If they bring back heads of these Giants, they will receive the title "Defender of Icewind Dale". They receive paper envelopes that state they are deputies of Bryn Shander.

Duvessa Shane, the leader of Bryn, goes to Alric and asks him to give a note to her aunt, Iniva Coldwater, captain of the ship called the Dancing Wave in Waterdeep.

Sirac of Suzail confesses he is Son of Arus Cimber, who has the Ring of Winter. He was last found in Waterdeep. He asks the party if he can join them to Waterdeep to find him.

Augrek Brighthelm asks the party to go to Ironmaster and ask for help to defend Bryn Shander.

Beldora asks the Boonlogin to find Thwip Ironbottom in Hundelstone.

Sir Baric Nylef asks the party to look for Mushroom, an evil dwarf. He believes that Sir Lanniver in Neverwinter may know where he is...

The party then leaves Bryn with horses and a cart. As they leave they find a village that has been destroyed by a band of Hill Giants. They track the giants to a campsite and kill 5 of them. They now have 5 heads to give to Markham and get their title!

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