Monday, September 26, 2016

Fire Giants are Hard

At the end of the last game session the party had just slain a group of Hill Giants that were feasting on humans, and a few halflings as well. Giants shouldn't segregate!

They see a few people tied up and they untie them. One of them is an experienced Cleric. The Cleric tells that party that they were being taken to the Hill Giant Chief Ugh. They had mentioned that she was very hungry and wanted more food!

The party then continues on the ten village road, on there way to Ironmaster, a valley that is controlled by Ironmaster Dwarfs. They welcome all dwarfs, and shun anyone else. Dwarf Lives Matter!

They finally get to Hundlestone, a town filled with Deep Gnomes and Dwarfs. As the party goes to the only Inn that is there for tall people, they see a lot of deep gnomes and dwarfs covered in dirt from mining all day for ore and other precious metals. They joking say 'Better bow down!' since a lot of the buildings are specific for short people.

After a somewhat ok night of rest, they then continue onto Ironmaster. As they go they see more stranded villagers that are running from Giant invasions of their homes.

They get to Ironmaster and speak with Grimph Brightbuttom. He says thank for their journey to inform him of the request. Offering the dwarfs in the party to have a drink. They politely say no. The party then decides to head back to Bryn Shandor since they have some giant heads now.

On their way back they fight a group of bandits. Then shortly after that fight they come across a Fire Giant with a group of hellhounds, Mephits, and Fire Elementals. This large force actually seems to be a little stronger than what the party can handle. So they run for their lives!

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