Monday, October 3, 2016

Frost Giants Be Damned!

The party returns to Bryn Shander, but not as what it was when they left. The city was attacked a couple more times after the party had left. Now the city is in turmoil, with everyone taking care of the injured and providing emergency services.

Marshall Shandom provides each party member a broach, which represents Defenders of Iceland Dale. When the party reminds him that its pronounced Icewind Dale, he slaps himself! Stupid!

Then the party leaves the next morning with Sirac of Surzul accompanying them on his warhorse. He really wants to get to Waterdeep and discuss with his father the Ring of Winter.

The party goes to Fireshear, ignoring the fact they could easily take hippogriffs to Waterdeep in less than a day of flying. And getting a ship that will take a week instead.

As they travel the open seas of the Sea of Swords they come across a giant warship filled with Frost Giants. Captain Yellowbeard yells for speed to help them run from the Frost Giants.

But Alric, Din, Boonlogin, and Jom jump on Alrics flying carpet and set forth to destroy the ship. Once they get within 450 feet of the ship they start to fire ballista giant size arrows at the flying cloud/carpet.

The party somehow does some serious damage to the ship. Din goes unconscious a couple of times as boulders and arrows pummel their flying craft.

They then decide to ditch the ship and return to The Running Coward (Yellowbeard wasn't that creative).

They finally get to Neverwinter, but then see that a flying fortress is above the city! As they disembark the ship they receive a note to meet someone at a local pub.

They go into the tavern and get ambushed! But the party has some serious fire power and take out the ruffians no problemo.

Then a small gnome comes out of the woodwork (litterally!) and offers them a real quest since they have proven themselves in combat.

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