Monday, October 17, 2016

Waterdeep has some Sexy Men!

The party returns from the Cloud Giant Castle in Neverwinter to find out Sirac of Suzial has taken their horses and cart and sold it for gold.

The somewhat crazy Gallagher is glad the party wasn't killed by Balakar. So he gifts the party with 4 Adult Hippogriffs and 2 young ones. The young ones can fly with a small size person, but not a medium size person.

The party is upset that Sirac has sold their stuff, so they hunt him down and beat him up. They take him to the Temple of Tyr (Tire). There they meet up with Lannister, who tells them that he would like them to go to Helms Hold to find out what is going on.

They go to Helms Hold and find out a number of their soldiers have gone missing. They ask the party to investigate. The party doesn't really want to.

They use their Hippogriffs and go south. As they are flying south they find a huge Frost Giant Warship similiar to the one they took out earlier. As they approach a large boulder on fire floats by them. The party looks down and sees a Frost Giant waving at them.

They land and approach the Giant. He looks like a frost giant, but with a helmet of a Dragon bone on his head.

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