Friday, October 21, 2016

How I failed at running Storm Kings Thunder

So right after my last game session with the players another player told me he would like to GM starting the following week. At first I was confused, why would he want to run a game when I was running one?!? But then I suddenly realized it was because me campaign was getting super boring. That the players were spending more time on their phones than listening to my story. Which at first made me kind of angry, but then I realized that I had run the game into the ground. That I had failed to provide a compelling story that the players wanted to continue to engage in. Here is a list of the things that I think I did that caused it to fail. Which I hope I can modify and improve upon in the future.

Failure #1 Gave the party BAD-ASS Gear for no reason

Here I thought it would be fun to give each party member a legendary item at the beginning of the game. Which then allowed them to destroy giants at level 5. Also I had allowed a 3rd party class to be run which many party members thought was over powered. Here I thought it would be alright, but might've also led to the demise of the campaign.

Failure #2 Gave the party a Crap Ton of Side Quests They Couldn't Follow

Chapter 3 of SKT had a number of small quests that each of the NPCs gives to the party. Way to much too quickly and made them feel lost in going around the lands of Icewind Dale. They were running around the main roads by Bryn Shander killing Giants as well as going to Ironmaster to help get additional troops to defend Bryn Shander, without really understanding why they were doing it.

Failure #3 Threw Too Much at the Party Too Quickly

Here I had them going through cities and random encounters very quickly. And I didn't fully tie in the fact Sirac of Suzail was them main cause as to why Frost Giants were following them in the ocean and on land.

Failure #4 Added the PAX West Cloud Giant's Bargain that made no sense

This I thought was fun, but didn't really tie into the main quest line as I should've made more information about.

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