Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Goblins Destroy Caravan, Giants Destroy Town


  • 4 short bows and lots of arrows (poor quality, use with disadvantage)
  • 4 blocks of incense (to make the mood just right! ;)  )
  • Silver sculpture of a Unicorn Head
  • 3 empty vials of holy water
  • 60 copper pieces
  • 20 Silver pieces
  • 4 copper pies
  • A shield - rather fancy - held by The Baron
  • A chain shirt, appropriated by Brunelda to replace her blood-soaked leather armor (thanks, Occy). This new armor was, of course, promptly bloodsoaked as well (thanks, Occy).
  • Healing potion, currently held by Brunelda to be distributed to an appropriately damaged party member (it's non-alcoholic, so it'll be safe in her care lest anyone else want to carry it)
  • An inn key to room six of the Nightstone Inn, currently occupied by a berobed elven woman named Kella. She seems possessed of little interest in coming out.


This time I am now a player in a SKT based adventure. We rolled level 3 characters with some minor enhancements. Each player has a tattoo of some special Giant Rune on their body somewhere.

  • Tyr - Fighter/Cleric - Has tattoo on his face
  • Occy - Sorcerer - Not sure where
  • Brunelda - Dwarf Bard - mark in on her inner left... forearm.
  • The Baron - Aasimar Paladin - Chose to have tattoo on his right hand, which he keeps covered with gloves.

I'm playing a Aasimar Paladin named 'The Baron'! Who is focused on raising money for his Guild and construct an expensive forge to make good quality and maybe even magical weapons.

The party is with a caravan that is bound for Nightstone. Then a raid of roughly 80 goblins attack the caravan and we are the only ones that survived the attack. We do some survival checks and are able to hike through the forest to the town of Nightstone.

When we reach the town we find it abandoned. Yet we hear a very loud bell sound from the Temple. We investigate the temple and find a group of goblins ransacking the inside. We fight them and kill them. Then we opened the door to the bell tower and find 2 more goblins enjoying themselves with the rope to the large bell that is making all the noise in the town. We kill one of them and then the other says to us that he'll take us to him loot.

He takes the party to his loot that is in a large building referred to as 'The Stables'. In here we do actually find a large bounty of stuff the goblins were hoarding here. So we let the goblin go.

Unfortunately he comes back with a dozen of goblins to get back his bounty. The party kills all of them and then discovers a building full of the townsfolk that have survived the attack on the town. The party was able to save a nice large wagon from the stables before it burned down. My character 'The Baron' (or just Baron) drags the goblin corpses into the burning building and burns the bodies.

The party speaks with the townsfolk and find out a large number of huge boulders landed in the city as the goblins were attacking. Many people died.

Now we have choices of going to the East Bridge and scouting around to see where the remaining goblin army is.

Or going west bridge that leads to a forest with mountains and caves!?!

The party spends the rest of the day helping out the Inn and fixing where they can. Here are some things that you manage to find out while spending a few hours around town and after a long nights rest:

Nightstone is named after a large obsidian rock that lay half buried on the north part of town. Its very large standing at nearly 10ft tall and 5 ft in diameter. No one knows how deep it goes or how long its been there.

The wealthy merchant, Bardo, at the Nightstone Inn came with two personal guards, (only one is left). He is from a place called Golden Fields.

Mazy, the Innkeeper's widow, is very thankful for your assistance and constantly offers free food, wine and lodging while you stay. She thinks that during the attack she saw guards and villagers heading east towards the mountains.

The Elvish woman's name in room #6 is Kella. She never left the inn during the attack.

A young human male, Torem is the only town guard that survived. He swears he saw a flying castle over the town and claimed, "That's where the boulders came from . .. ". Also he claims that he saw four huge grey giants in the north part of town near the Nightstone. He is obviously traumatized and has not stopped drinking since you rescued him and the others. By the morning, he is well past wasted and stumbles off into the town.

Seven riders on horseback came into the town during the early morning. The drawbridge was down so its unclear how they managed to get in. The took some rooms on the second floor.

The two children Doris and Gesten are being taken care of by Mazy but seem in good spirits. They seem to be missing their parents.

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