Monday, October 10, 2016

Cloud Giants Bargin

The party has received a request from Bombra Gallagher to fly up to the Cloud Giant Castle that is floating above Neverwinter. With the request is a note regarding how they can become members of Acquisitions Incorporated. The party doesn't seem impressed and they are a little upset over the fact they were attacked as a 'test' of how strong they are.

Given the bad impression Bombra has given them, they decide they will do the assignment reluctantly. In which they review the note and decide they don't really want to join this new group of adventurers.

Miss Gallagher also gave them a skull to carry to help them with the assignment. Din doesn't like talking skulls, so she puts the skull into a bag so she doesn't have to hear its voice.

The party decides it would be fun to use the flying Gryphons, so they fly up with the Gryphons to the Tower of Contemplation.

When they arrive at the Aerie, they see a sleeping Chimera that they were to successfully ignore. And then sneak into the tower. They then go into a large art room full of art paintings and other exotic items. They ignore these artifacts and go to the door that leads to the main part of the castle.

There they meet with a Armored Horror and a Smothering Rug. WHich they dispose of quickly.

They go across a walkway to the main island. They then enter a large tower with a large tomb in the middle. They avoid the tomb and continue onto one of the smaller towers.

They then meetup with Olanthar and Balakar.

Alric casts Charm Person on Olanthar, which given his divination wizard attribute, automatically causes the Giant to be succumbed to the Charm Person spell.

They are able to convince Olanthar that they mean him no harm, which infuriates Balakar into action. She then activates the choker on Olanthar's neck and then blows into a large whistle.

Eventually the wistle summons a young white dragon, which Siuri is able to speak with. He tells the dragon that the party means him no harm.

Finally Olanthar and Balakar fight it out, with Balakar being disposed of.

Here the party has entered the throne room of Olanthar, with Balakar at his side.

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