Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Old Halfling Seer Forecasts Doom and Party fly's to Sad Dwarf Encampment

The party goes and visits an old halfling seer regarding their tattoos (The Baron calls it a birthmark, tattoos are for evil buffoons...). Joining them is a new woman named Khapri, who is a swashbuckler/monk/rogue!

She comes across as hard of hearing and can't see that well. Offering everyone tea and biscuits. In which everyone who drank the tea provided received inspiration point.

She says that she doesn't know what the tattoo's represent, but she knows that its tied to something that is in a cave within a cave...

She tells the party about about a group of dwarfs, only 20 surviving now, that are about 40 miles NorthEast of Bryn Shander.

So the party takes the AirShip up to this mountain cave spot. As they approach they can see a battlefield filled with dead Dwarfs and dead Ogres. And there is a camp of Ogres, about 40 of them.

Then they sneak past them with the airship and drop down using feather fall to meet up with the dwarfs. They tell the constructs that run the airship to fly back up and wait for a signal from us to come down and pick up the party. The signal being a sword that is lit with 'light' spell.

The party meets up with the dwarfs that are in a terrible state. They mention how they are starving and having tough time fighting the Ogres. In which they will have 3 dwarfs guarding the cave entrance at any given time. Trying to make sure the don't know their true numbers.

The party then gives food and water to the dwarfs and investigate the back area of the cave. They find a secret door that takes 2 hours to open. Once open they go inside and see a collection of large rocks that are 20 to 50 feet in diameter! This will be hard to take from the cave!

In the middle of the stones is a large coffin, which the party opens since they're bored... After open the coffin a large undead frost giant stands up and starts to fight the party. The party eventually defeats the giant. And after inspecting the body they close the lid back over the coffin.

The door the inner chamber closes as they kill the undead giant. But then Brunelda casts stone to mud and creates a hole through the 3 feet stone door.

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