Wednesday, May 3, 2017

The Truth of Arthur Is Revealed, Booty is Provided, Bryn Shander is Attacked!

6 bad le fey soldiers: 3600XP 
(4 party members 900 each)
900 XP for roleplaying
ENDING XP: 19025 (23000 xp next level)

The party's brainstorming began, with a little help from Sir Leon, and soon they developed what appeared to be a fool proof plan to re-acquire their airship. 
They were introduced to captain of Sir Leon's trading vessel, a salty old pirate named Crusty. The party took off in the ship and headed toward pirates bay and awaited their airship (this ship needs a name) waiting for lord protector's men to stop them. As promised, Sir Leon reported his ship missing and some hours later the airship headed toward them. 
Magnus recognized The Baron, Occy and Brunelda during the ensuing battle. The battle was short and sweet, but during the slashing and attacking, Occy and Brunelda noticed two real pirate ships heading toward the Sir Leon's vessel.
Tyr paused long enough in his sword fighting to look up into the sky and yell, " You couldn't just make this easy could ya !?!?!?" (I'm sure he heard the wind snickering back at him.)  
The party quickly defeated Magnus and the guards. As the party finally made it to the airship with all the clockworks and so on, Magnus could be seen shouting obscenities from the deck of Sir Leon's ship but was drowned out by the parties singing. . . . 
"We all set sail for the island of gold
The only ones coming are the brave and the bold 
If you get left behind just know you we're told
Yo ho ho we are pirates"

"Fill all the barrels with whiskey and rum 
The ale and the grog and the meadery drum
We'll sail till we're drunkards and poor as the bums
Yo ho ho we are pirates"

"We rob from the rich and we give to the poor.
Hide all your gold cause we'll break down your door
Give us your jewels and we'll have an accord 
Yo ho ho we are pirates"

"We'll board you ship and we'll take all your loot
We'll bury it deep and we won't give a hoot 
We'll carry the map in the holes of our boots 
Yo ho ho we are pirates..."
(courtesy of Scott)

And off to Bryn Shander they go. Upon arrival, they find the northern keep just outside the city. They land in the keep which appears to be more like a castle and guards that look just a formidable. 
Upon landing, the guards take them to see the Lady Jacquelyn of the house after they asked for Lord Arthur claiming that they have brought his new airship. 

After a conversation leaving both sides in dumbfounded looks and banter that resembled, "My airship?" "Yes" "I didn't order an airship" "Yes Arthur did" "No he didn't" and so forth. The one-armed  Arthur came out looked a little worse for wear, exclaiming that the party was trying to pull something over. After a little more 'splaining because the sum up wasn't going to work, Arthur finally understood and ask the party to wait in the study. Servant were sent to give the characters what they needed. Occy took a bath, Tyr and Brunelda drank and ate, the Baron had milk. 

Occy freaked out at the bathing maidens but that wasn't too new. He was upset that they saw his lily white tushy.
One-armed Arthur finally came in and the party and him had a long conversation about the events of the last couple months, the party realizing a second Arthur was running around. 
Just then a two-armed Arthur came through the back, "Well Arthur I'm glad your awake, I have much to discuss with you .. . ." The party and the one-armed Arthur looking back at him rather perturbed. And the following questions began to get answered:
Yes the daughter was in trouble and need to pay off the demon lord.
Yes both Arthur's are real.
The one-armed Arthur lost all his brothers in the Ice Spire Ogre war and thats where he met Arthur number 2.
The two-armed Arthur is actually a Adult Gold Dragon named Goldenface.
Arthur saved Goldenface's wrymling and they became fast friends and have been for many years. 
The party had been given free run of the armory where they re-equiped themselves and it appears after several eldritch blasts .. . 
"You Lied"
"Oww Occy that hurts"
"But you lied"
"Occy that hurts."
"Owww .. .  ok here's a present"
"I forgive you."
Occy has forgiven Goldenface. 

After a very peaceful nights sleep, the city of Bryn Shander is attacked by Frost Giants and is in peril. How does this stuff keep happening to our party?!?!?"
Nuff Said . .. .  DM OUT !!!

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