Wednesday, June 7, 2017

White Plume Mountain Part 1 - Tattoo's Are Revealed, New Mission to White Plume Mountain, Riddles are figured out... Too late...

A prologue to the adventure:

Arthur sends word for  you to return to his Keep. Upon arrival, he has a message from Goldenface. Goldenface and Zephyros have been able to decipher the runes that each party member has. He refers to a chart that helps your characters understand what each rune means. When you discover the actual meaning of the rune, the runes power becomes clear:

Daniel - Gift of Vengeance - Know Thy Enemy. As a bonus action, pick one enemy within 30 feet of you. You may learn the enemies AC, starting hit points, and any damage immunities, resistances, or vulnerabilities. Once you use this property twice, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Scott - Gift of the King. - Ruler’s Command. As an action, you may inspire up to four creatures of your choice within 30 feet of you, and they can get advantage on any one die role for the next 5 minutes. This is completely separate from luck, bardic inspiration, or inspiration. Once you use this property, you can’t use it again until you use a short or long rest.

James - Gift of Death - Animate Dead. As an action, you can cast animate dead. During the time that your undead is 'alive' and does damage with its first attack against any living creature, it will in turn heal you for the damage up to your maximum health as long as you are within 30ft. Once you use this property, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Evan - Gift of Cloud. Cloud Carpet. You may cast this as a bonus action, you can spend 1 minute with a fly speed of 80 feet. Once you use this property, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Earl - Gift of Storm. Lightning’s Call. As an action up to 4 creatures of your choice within 30ft of you and are holding at least one weapon; each may only have one weapon they are wielding of their choice covered in crackling lightning for 1 minute. During this time the weapons deal an extra 1d6 lightning damage and are magical. A weapon loses these properties if it is dropped or stowed. Once you use this property, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

These powers are experimental, if they don't work properly for some reason or they seem too broken, I may make small alterations. Any questions, feel free to ask.

A quick update of the financial holdings of the Sky Pirates of Shander... 

Coin: 4 pp, 3100 gp, 75 sp, 147 cp = 3148.97
Gems: 4 @100 gp, 6 @ 25 gp = 550
Objets d'art: 3 @ 25 gp, 5 @ 750 gp = 3825
silver salt and pepper shakers: 25 gp
silver holy symbol (unicorn head): 25 gp
wooden holy symbol engraved with gold: 25 gp
huge frost giant horn: 750 gp
TOTAL GP VALUE = 8348.97
We keep the coin and gems separated out in the Bag of Holding in small convenient pouches.

Magical Items, Consumable: 

5 Potions of Healing 2d4+2 (I think we used one last session? So maybe only 4)
2 Potions of Greater Healing 4d4+4
Potion of Invulnerability (resistance to all damage for 1 minute)
Potion of Stone giant strength (23 str / +7 mod) for 1 hour)
Potion of Diminution (reduce spell for 1d4 hours)
Potion of Speed (haste 1 minute)
Potion of Heroism (+10 temp hp for 1 hour)
3 Potions of flying (fly speed = walking speed 1 hour)
5 Vials of Bitch Monkey Blood that for some reason we still have lying around...

Magical Items, Non-consumable

Cloak of Elvenkind (Brunelda)
Cli Lyre (Brunelda)
TWO +3 Adamantine GithGreatswords (The Baron)
Wand of Wonder (I think Occy has it?)
Rope of Entanglement (I think Tyr has it?)
Boots of Levitation (I think The Baron has them?)

Magical Gifts from Arthur 

Cask of Jeremiah (Brunelda)
Polymorph Key (Brunelda)
_____ (Occy)
_____ (Tyr)
_____ (The Baron)
(I can't remember what y'all got from Arthur when he was overcome with the gift of gifting.)

There's also a Fine Bottle of Brandy that Brunelda's holding onto for a special occasion. Or wait, that's gone missing. Yep, that's it. It's gone. Giants must've snuck up into the airship and nicked it. Tricksy giantses, always stealing our stuff...

Financial Report submitted by Brunelda Hammercrag, Treasurer of the Sky Pirates of Shander who's totally not drinking the Fine Bottle of Brandy because she's drained the Cask of Jeremiah of its ale for the day...


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