Wednesday, June 14, 2017

White Plume Mountain Part 2 - 2 black puddin', 6 flesh golems, 1 vampire (ran away): 21200 XP

(6 party members 3533 each )

1800 XP for roleplaying and riddle solving



ENDING XP: 34604 (48000 xp next level)

20 downtime days for the adventure - (160 downtime total)

Our intrepid party over the last two weeks made their way to the fabled White Plume Mountain where Kelvan, the notorious wizard in the area, is holding his mountain open for adventurers and mercenaries to enter and attempt to pillage. After a payment of 5000 gp, and several bet wagered at 25 to 1, the party ventures into the mysterious mountain. So far our group has been the only one that was able to make it through the first trial.
The pirates of penzance . . . errr . . .  the pirates of the cult airship . .. .  err the party group for wednesday DnD,  has had a few near death experiences but has managed to pull through. Nothing seems to stand in their way, not puddin's or golems or vampires OH MY ! They have managed to find the first objective Whelm and magical hammer with wondrous properties.
After answering the riddle for the entrance to the second trial of the journey, (Way to go Occy !!), our brave group heads further into the mountain to encounter more of its treacherous protectors.

Nice job everyone !! LEVEL 8 CONGRATS !!!

-DM OUT !!!!

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