Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Bad Guys Come to Town, Team Ruins Ogre Dinner


4 pp
18 gp
4 gems @ 100 gp ea
Potion of Invulnerability
5 riding horses, 5 saddlebags, 6 scimitars
2 Potions of Greater Healing from Mazy
cash-wise, we still have 20 sp and 60 cp from the gobbos

Bad Guys Come to Town

Occy is awoken early in the morning by a tap, tap, tap on his door. He wakes up and speaks with a Tavern Maid who is very distressed. She asks him to come down stairs and talk to him. Oci wakes up 'The Baron' who quickly puts on his armor and gets his weapons. They go downstairs and she starts to tell him about a band of ruffians that came to town late last night.

As soon as The Baron hears about some bad guys in town he goes back up and knocks on the hotel room that Tyr and Bru are staying in. Bru is awoken and once he hears that some trouble is brewing he wakes up Tyr. They all come back downstairs.

While The Baron was upstairs the Tavern Maid tells Occy that the bad guys are staying in room right next to us! And they refused to pay any money for their rooms, being very harsh and brandishing weapons.

Once the party is together downstairs they start to hear loud noises from upstairs. So then Brunelda, Tyr, and Occy go upstairs to investigate. The Baron is slow to go investigate as well due to him reading up on Protection Aasimars, who have special abilities that are different from the other two Aasimar subtypes!

Then they get into a fight in the middle of the Tavern upstairs. In which the guards are easily disposed of, but their leader is a little harder to deal with. The Baron casts a spell on him to have their leader focus in actions on him, while Occy fired off a couple of Fire Bolts into The Barons back, causing him to go unconscious...

As the fight takes place the party hears Kella from room #6 take off with one of the 7 horses that were outside.

Ogre Party

The party investigates the Dripping Caves and finds two Ogres about to cook two nice people. We start to stop them from doing so.

End of Round 3 of the Orgre dinner party

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