Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Let me ‘splain…No, there is too much. Let me sum up ...

2 hill giants, 1 ogres, 1 goblin: 4800 xp (4 party members 1200 each)

200 xp for roleplaying



ENDING XP: 3325 (6500 xp next level)

After finishing off the two ogres, Ugg and She-Ugg, the party headed east into the cavern in a noisy and completely un-stealthy fashion but  fortunately the deaf giant could hear shit. Finally they came upon a hill giant eating several people from the village of Nightstone.

Tyr explained in a most eloquent fashion in the language of giant that goblins had poisoned the humans and in turn had poisoned the poor hill giant. Being extremely stupid, and after some very good rolls by Scott and terrible rolls by Mark, the hill giant ran out to kill all the goblins for trying to poison him.

The villagers were rescued. Yay. The next day said hill giant showed up finally realizing that he had been duped. Boo. The party kills the hill giant and the one goblin who spoke enough giant to escape the giants wrath. Boo.

The party decided to accept Lord Arthur's invitation for employment and after making sure the village was secured, is now heading to the great city of Bryn Shander. Yay.

'Nuff said  ............DM out !!

Speaking of sums...
If we're even splits in the loots, we've each the following:
75 gp in rewards from Mayor Corrin and Sir Tristan of Triboar,
1 pp, 4 gp, 1 gem worth 100gp in loot from the Zhentarim riders, and
5 sp and 15 cp from the goblin occupying force.
For the loot that can't be split, we have as a group
2 extra gp and 1 potion of invulnerability from the Zhentarim riders and
2 potions of greater healing from Mazy for our excursion to the Dripping Caves.
Now that we've got some spending cash it's time to see what Bryn Shandor has to offer.

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