Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Buttercup marries humperdink in little less than half an hour ....

1 Ala: 3900 XP (4 party members 975 each)

400 XP for roleplaying



ENDING XP: 4700 (6500 xp next level)

On the morning that the party was supposed to leave Nightstone, Lord Arthur went missing. Morak, bartender and interim mayor of the town, explains that Arthur went back to the dripping caves after realizing the giant probably had killed the rest of the goblins and all there was left would be treasure. Ummmm NOPE. Trapped between a small party of goblins and a fey, Ala, the party finds Arthur running out of the caves with a chest in hand. Run Arthur! Run! The party rescues him once again.
They finally were able to make their way toward Bryn Shander by horseback. Along the way, finding out interesting facts about their new host. After several weeks on the road, they met with a friend of Arthur's, Zephros. This cloud giant seemed friendly enough and invited them into his cloud castle.
After a few days, 9 eagles with worshipers of the Yan C Bin met with the giant and made him an offer.

And there we have it . . . . to be continued . . ..  .

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