Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Get Heartstone back, track down Human Traffickers

4 bad le fey soldiers: 1800XP 
(4 party members 450 each)
900 XP for roleplaying
ENDING XP: 17225 (23000 xp next level)

The Guard Sergeant, Magnus, sneers at the party about how much he loves riding in the airship. Smelling like jerky beef and ale, he laughs as he tells the party, “Those pirates are slippery, I told my father we may need that ship for a while.”

The party convinced him that stones were place inside the ship to control the elementals and without constant rituals every 8 hours or so that they maybe unstable and the elementals would escape and destroy everything on the ship.

Magnus told the party he would go and check and sure enough came back several minutes later with the stone. “I found the guy who took it off the ship. Quickly do something!” The party retrieved the stone and was told that the ship would be back in 6 hours or so and they could stabilize the elementals then.

The party decided to kill a few hours by going to the market place in the older section of town where the fissure from the underdark was repaired. While in the marketplace they spotted several armored individuals with Le Fey’s sigil walking amongst the crowd. The party followed them to see what they were up to.

They entered a house and wagon pulled up to the alley closest to the house. The covered wagon was being pulled by two horses and the armored driver wore the same symbol. Le Fey’s people walked to the back alley behind the wagon and began loading things from the house’s back window into the back of the cart. The bags they were loading looked suspiciously like small humans, maybe halflings or young dwarves, maybe children.

Assuming there was kidnapping, the party attacked Le Fey’s people and quickly dominated them. They went to knock on the house only to have an elderly woman open the door and quickly close it, “I don’t know what’s in the bags !!” Having the door slammed in their face the party forced their way in and looked around. The guards were called and responded. The party found children in the back of the wagon, apparently drugged and unconscious.

The elderly folk claimed that the party and their friends (Le Fey’s people) were making a ruckus outside and that’s why they were called.

Brunelda uncovered their secret room by tripping over into their table and pulling up a rug which revealed a trap door to their basement. After investigating the secret room, evidence looked bad for the elderly couple.

They guards took everyone into custody before the magistrate so everyone could tell their side of the story. After a day in jail, the party was cleared. Several children woke up and pointed out the elderly couple as their captors. The elderly couple were promptly sent to the gallows the following morning.

Sir Leon met with the party and brought them back to his keep. They ate and drank and formulated plans on getting back the airship. Potions were given,some talk about Arthur transpired and some interesting things revealed. I will leave the rest to have the players discuss on Wednesday...

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