Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Let me ‘splain…No, there is too much. Let me sum up ..

2 dead Gith, 2 Gith got away: 2100 XP (4 party members 525 each)
900 XP for roleplaying - great entertainment1425 XP TOTAL
ENDING XP: 9465 (14000 xp next level)
After a few days, the party makes their way toward Longsaddle, a frontier trading town. The party finds out that the town has been worn down over the last month. 
Four weeks ago, a gang of dwarves led by a Worvil Forkbeard aka The Weevil, rampaged through Longsaddle leaving little in their wake. They began to rebuild only to succumb to a hill giant attack two and a half weeks ago which left almost nothing, and now most recently, just when they are on the cusp of a little rebuilding, six strangely dressed, well armed, tall individuals led by a surly creature named Arandi began harassing people in the town looking for the clockwork salesman, Moncrieff Waring. Its enough to make a grown man cry.
The group began with breakfast, scared the waiter, and meanwhile, Occy decided to take a walk.
Occy decided to walk the bazaar looking for different items when he came across the 6 Gith and their 4 mean clockwork dogs. Arandi had been sold four defective dogs when "attack" command was yelled, they flopped on their backs and kicked their legs like they had been giving the good kinda scratching. Seeing that Occy had a similar dog, Arandi approached him and asked him about the clockwork salesman, to which Occy told him that Moncrieff was his, "paterfamilias". Arandi not happy with this response placed his very large sword on Occy's shoulder before he could r-u-n-n-o-f-t. 
Baron left the bar to see what Occy was up to and noticed that there was trouble a brewin.
The battle was dicey but the heroes came out on top. It was a pity Arandi managed to escape with some of his buddies, more than likely to re-emerged later in a more untimely fashion and ultimately causing our heroes an even bigger inconvenience. (FORESHADOWING)
Occy had meltdown and Tyr and Baron made nice with the armorer. Brunelda got drunk. 
After being resupplied, they finally left town and headed toward the downed castle. After about a week they met with a relatively well-dressed hill giant. (he looked like a fat kid, in a vest and shorts made of bear skins). The giant made a very clumsily worded invitation to have a "plant water" dinner with the chief of his tribe, Goldenface. Brunelda seeing something comforting in the proper way this hill giant was comporting himself encourage the party to go. They accepted.
After a day of travel, they finally found Arthur. YAY. Apparently, he made nice with the hill giant tribe. He is now their leader. WHAT? They seem scared of him with the exception of the old chief, Grum,  who seems quite perturb that he has been de-throwned and forced to become a vegetarian and eat vegetable stew. BOO. 
The gang has been reunited but who knows for how long . . .
Nuff Said. DM OUT !!!

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