Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Tyr finds a Book, Half-Elf/Deer People Make Trade, Demon Baboons, and a Clockwork Salesman!

A quick summary of the party's resources:


4 pp, 332 gp, 75 sp, 147 cp

4 gems (100 gp each)
silver salt and pepper shakers (25 gp each)
silver holy symbol of a unicorn's head (??? gp)
wooden holy symbol with inlaid gold (??? gp)
leather case with thieves' tools (??? gp)

potion of stone giant strength
potion of invulnerability
potion of healing
2x potion of greater healing
5x vial of bitch monkey 'roids

Bag of Holding

Let me ‘splain…No, there is too much. Let me sum up ...

5 dead Behtu, 3 Behtu got away: 2925 XP (5 party members 585 each)

900 XP for roleplaying - great entertainment



ENDING XP: 8060 (14000 xp next level)

The party cleans up for the morning before disembarking. Tyr finds a strange book with glyphs on the binding among Arthur's things. A dog eared passage sticks out and Tyr reads it to the group . . .

The first page reads Fortunes and Favor 2000 years, stories of the seer

"Content to rule the skies the storm giant king, Unthlion, never bothered with the dealings of small people. His best friend and advisor, formir, was the seer who first brought to light the foretelling of the broken ordning and the chaos that would disrupt it. Unthlion not knowing when this would take place found himself looking to a alliance with a ruler in the small peoples kingdom. Deals and pacts were made and the only thing that was certain was that when this disruption took place the chosen, Horundflur, champions of the small people would be the giants saviors."

Further reading revealed . ..  .

"These saviors would be branded with the giants magic . . . "

Tyr accidentally thinks of the one old book he knew and it instantly changes into that: "Cult Basics 101: Mommy issues and how joining a cult can cure them"

The party joins with a half-orc adventurer that enjoys drinking his morning breakfast. They instantly hit it off.

AND THEN . . .upset with Occy's fireworks, a group of Alseid (Half-Elf/Deer people) demand that Occy be turn over for trial. They accept Occy's ring as favor for his mistake. The group quickly moves eastward and begins their long trek through the magical forest of Neverwinter.

They quickly find the forest is not a friendly place and after a long drinking game that ended up in a threesome, a triad, a trio of half-orc, human, dwarf drinking spooning, regurgitation, and general debauchery, the group finds themselves holed up for the day. Baron scouts out for the party and possibly prays for the souls of his sinning brothers. Tyr did something but I can't remember . . ..

AND THEN . . .  Bright eyed (not really) and bushy tailed (hung over), the party ventures on. After a couple days, they run into a small raiding party of Behtu (Baboon, boar, demonic humanoids) that don't taste like chicken. After a long battle, Brunelda manages to convince them to leave (they were losing badly anyway). The party continues on for several days nearly reaching the end of the forest when they  meet a nice looking gentleman in a suit.

Moncrieff Waring the Clockwork Salesman . . . "It's Not what I need dear gentlemen . . . Its what you need and I, Moncrieff Waring, have the wares that you didn't know you needed."

After several hours of hard negotiation, the party came away with 5 clockwork beetles and and clockwork dog for Occy. A very interesting wednesday  . . .oh  . . .what a night!

Oh  . . .What A Night . . . Late December back in '63 . . . what a very special time for me, as I remember what I night . . . . .

Nuff Said !!! DM OUT !!!!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Zephros's Flying Cloud Castle Crash Lands

Let me ‘splain…No, there is too much. Let me sum up ...
1 carrion beetle: 3900 XP (4 party members 975 each)
900 XP for roleplaying - good deductive reasoning and entertainment
ENDING XP: 6575 (14000 xp next level)

Well it seems that Zephros had to contemplate with Lord Arthur advising him as to whether to accept the generous offer of the 9 guests. Occy, Brunelda, Baron, and Tyr were very suspicious of them (as well they should have been). Brunelda . . . they are not thirsty and don't like it when you keep asking !!!
With the assistance of the squire, Baron found out they were seeding the cloud with white sand (and it tastes bitter). After eating the sand, Baron reported to the other members and what happened to Tyr's horsey ?!?!?

When confronted, the cultist acted offended and attempted to leave. Tyre grabbed a water skin and poured out the white powder as proof. They attempted to leave in a hurry and several party members tried to detain them and managed to stop a few from getting on their steeds.

The leader, once airborne, called  out the magic words and the cloud holding the great tower began to dissipate. Oh no the cloud is now falling 1000 feet to its doom. Baron grabs a cultist and leaps off the great cloud nearly falling to their doom before he spreads his wings. The cultist after throwing up many times passes out.

Zephros' griffins get the party to safety and then go back for their master. The party watches as the cloud tower falls into a nearby mountain range and loses view.

Being in the forest is scary. Occy shoots the first moving thing and misses. The party finds an abandoned keep with a single tower and mausoleum. They meet some half elf/deer but talk to them and scare them away. The tower proves old and decrepit and generally useless.

The mausoleum has a disturbed sarcophagus and two skeletons and a beautiful necklace which Brunelda refused to pick up. Boo. But had the captive cultist pick up instead. Yay. Cultist turns into a big bad beetle but the party kills it and the cultist turns back into a winy, asshole cultist again.

Baron scoops the cursed necklace so they can do some shenanigans later, Occy started hearing Arthur as the good voice in his head, Tyr couldn't stop rolling 1's and should have been a halfling, and Brunelda escaped becoming a large unsightly beetle and possibly killing the party.

Nuff said.


DM OUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Buttercup marries humperdink in little less than half an hour ....

1 Ala: 3900 XP (4 party members 975 each)

400 XP for roleplaying



ENDING XP: 4700 (6500 xp next level)

On the morning that the party was supposed to leave Nightstone, Lord Arthur went missing. Morak, bartender and interim mayor of the town, explains that Arthur went back to the dripping caves after realizing the giant probably had killed the rest of the goblins and all there was left would be treasure. Ummmm NOPE. Trapped between a small party of goblins and a fey, Ala, the party finds Arthur running out of the caves with a chest in hand. Run Arthur! Run! The party rescues him once again.
They finally were able to make their way toward Bryn Shander by horseback. Along the way, finding out interesting facts about their new host. After several weeks on the road, they met with a friend of Arthur's, Zephros. This cloud giant seemed friendly enough and invited them into his cloud castle.
After a few days, 9 eagles with worshipers of the Yan C Bin met with the giant and made him an offer.

And there we have it . . . . to be continued . . ..  .

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Let me ‘splain…No, there is too much. Let me sum up ...

2 hill giants, 1 ogres, 1 goblin: 4800 xp (4 party members 1200 each)

200 xp for roleplaying



ENDING XP: 3325 (6500 xp next level)

After finishing off the two ogres, Ugg and She-Ugg, the party headed east into the cavern in a noisy and completely un-stealthy fashion but  fortunately the deaf giant could hear shit. Finally they came upon a hill giant eating several people from the village of Nightstone.

Tyr explained in a most eloquent fashion in the language of giant that goblins had poisoned the humans and in turn had poisoned the poor hill giant. Being extremely stupid, and after some very good rolls by Scott and terrible rolls by Mark, the hill giant ran out to kill all the goblins for trying to poison him.

The villagers were rescued. Yay. The next day said hill giant showed up finally realizing that he had been duped. Boo. The party kills the hill giant and the one goblin who spoke enough giant to escape the giants wrath. Boo.

The party decided to accept Lord Arthur's invitation for employment and after making sure the village was secured, is now heading to the great city of Bryn Shander. Yay.

'Nuff said  ............DM out !!

Speaking of sums...
If we're even splits in the loots, we've each the following:
75 gp in rewards from Mayor Corrin and Sir Tristan of Triboar,
1 pp, 4 gp, 1 gem worth 100gp in loot from the Zhentarim riders, and
5 sp and 15 cp from the goblin occupying force.
For the loot that can't be split, we have as a group
2 extra gp and 1 potion of invulnerability from the Zhentarim riders and
2 potions of greater healing from Mazy for our excursion to the Dripping Caves.
Now that we've got some spending cash it's time to see what Bryn Shandor has to offer.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Occy Back Story

Race: Human (Variant)
Class: Wild Magic Sorcerer
Background: Haunted One
Feats: Magic Initiate (Warlock) and War Caster
Mysterious Tattoo Location: Nape
Description:-Buzz Cut
-Pale Skin
-Dark Circles
-Wears a loose, hooded, light brown robe that goes down to his waist
-Covers his head with a hood and wraps the upper-right side of his face with cloth whenever he's around people.
-Glyph Marks on both hands that are used as Arcane Focus (Will use Gothic Trinket (Tobi) as back up in case hands get chopped off)
-Avoids exposing his body in front of people and gets upset when people ask about it.

Backstory: Occy was only 10 when he was taken from the orphanage by a shady mage organization that had an underground lab right beneath a fairly populated town. The mage organization had a goal to infuse arcane energy into a mundane person and turn them into powerful magic users. They believe that this is the only way that all races can evolve into the next stage. After going through many cruel experiments that ended up being unsuccessful, Occy started to hear voices in his head that he believes are the demons that lives in his soul.
(For Mark: If you can, can you help me do the negative voices in my head that makes me hate myself? If not, then I can try to do it.
When the mage organization performed a forbidden arcane ritual on him, Occy finally became one with magic. However, the ritual was so unstable that it blew up the underground lab and the town, killing hundreds of people and possibly leaving no survivors. Occy doesn't feel guilty for all the deaths from this incident. He believes that the mage organization caused this incident.

Personality:-Constantly feeling depressed and rarely ever smiles.
                   -Likes the idea of being a hero.
                   -Acts shy when dealing with good people. Acts aggressively when dealing with bad guys.

Ideals: Helping someone in need is a brave and suicidal act when I'm the one that saving from my demons, but I'm still willing to do it

Bonds:One of the professors was kind to me during my imprisonment and treated me like a human being. He was the one that gave me Tobi so that I felt like I had a friend in this terrible world. I don't know if he survived the explosion.

Flaws:-I can be a little hesitant to cast spells because I'm afraid that I'll blow up and kill all of my friends.
-I have a bad habit of panicking during stressful situations.

The Baron Backstory


Background: Guild Artisan
Trait: Always looking to help out others and further develop his skills in Metalworking.
Ideal: ??? I have it written down at home…
Bond: ??? I have it written down at home…
Flaw: ??? I have it written down at home…

Tattoo Location: Top of right hand, but he keeps it covered with a glove all the time...

Bernard Beaudiuex was born from a human family that lived in a nice little village about a days fast march from Baulder's Gate. He was the youngest kid, with two older sisters. He really enjoyed his childhood with his parents and sisters. 

As Bernard grew up he loved his family very much, in which he learned the skills to be a fighter for the local guard.

But then one day there was a raid on his town by a group of Goblins, Kobolds, Orcs, and Bugbears. They killed his parents. He was able to successfully escape the raid with his two sisters.

After he survived this ordeal, he went into deep depression. In which he couldn’t do much except scavenge for food. That is when he became an member of the Church of Ilmater. With that he became a devoted member of the Church. The order the church helped him recover from his depression and he went back to his village and help re-build his home with his sisters and help the village. As he did these efforts they started to refer to him as ‘The Baron’ due to his tallness and broad shoulders.

The order of Paladins of Ilmater noticed his abilities and taught him to be a Paladin. But some members of the Paladin order made fun on his Aasimar heritage. This lead to a fight that Bernard and the bullies that were making fun his skin and eyes. Bernard seriously hurt some of the bullies and was kicked out of the Church in Baulder’s Gate.

The Baron went back to his small village, and became leader. In which he had townsfolk started calling him ‘The Baron’, and he would continuously wear a large white cloak that covers his head and shields others from seeing his face and eyes. Bernard hoped that he would someday rebuild the forge that is in the village. Currently it is just an ancient ruin, just a large pile of rocks.

But his sisters felt uncomfortable with his humility, being that they had grown up wealthy. During his absence one of the sisters had married a kind of wealthy young man from a neighboring village named Aiden. The new husband's family was very jealous by nature and immediately starting plotting against The Baron. Aiden respected The Baron and all of his accomplishments improving the village, but his family came first. So Aiden with the help of his new wife and family, forced The Baron to leave town in disgrace. What they made up has somewhat been forgotten, but the betrayal of his sister hurt more than anything, so now The Baron has become an adventurer.

Tyr Shadebane Back Story

Warpriest / Fighter

Background: Acolyte
Trait: Intolerant of other faiths and condemn the worship of other gods.
Ideal: We must help bring about the changes the gods are constantly working in the world.
Bond: I will someday get revenge on the corrupt temple hierarchy who branded me a heretic.
Flaw: I am suspicious of strangers and expect the worst of them.

Tyr joined the cult of the priests of the raging inferno very young and was brainwashed by their leader Mordred LeFey.

After several emotional outbursts and challenging authority, Tyrs family was beaten in front of him as punishment for disobedience.

Tyr tried to escape a dozen times but was caught and punished again. This time his family was beheaded.

After five years of this tyr finally discovered his resistance to fire. He trained himself to fight with a halberd so people couldn't get close to him.
 So in one last attempt to escape,  tyr set compound on fire while everyone was asleep.

Tyr locked all the doors and stood to watch everyone burn alive.

Tyr then went to Mordred's cabin only to find a trap door hidden under all that ash. It was then tyr knew he had to run.

On the move for three days, tyr made it to a small town. He was able to work at the tavern for room and board. He also healed people for money.

Tyr woke up to the town on fire and thought it was Mordred coming for him. So he joined a group of random adventurers in haste.....

Brunelda Hammercrag Back Story

Brunelda Hammercrag, youngest child and only daughter of Madoran and Moira Hammercrag

Mountain dwarf, Bard of the College of Lore, Entertainer (actor, poet, singer, instrumentalist)

Appearance. Brunelda stands at just under four and a half feet tall and weighs in at just under twelve stone. (Mum says I must get the skinny from me Da.) She wears several braids in her long red hair (That’ll be a gift from both sides.), and often keeps it tied back. (Best t’ be ready fer anythin’!) Her face is freckled and decorated with bright blue eyes. (Those I got from me mum.) She has a mysterious tattoo upon her inner left forearm. (That I got from who-knows-where.)

Brunelda still wears the blue and green Hammercrag tartan about her waist, and a plain leather vest over a mail byrnie. (Style has always come easy to us Hammercrags!) At her waist hang a trio of handaxes (Blasted goblins!), across her back a leather case holding her prized cittern (At’s a beauty, innit!), and in her hand a traditional dwarven walking stick (battleaxe).

Personality. I know a story relevant to almost any situation. Also, whenever I come to a new place, I like to collect the local rumors.

Ideal: Tradition. The stories, songs and legends of the past must never be forgotten, for they teach us who we are.

Bond: I would do anything for the members of my old troupe. 

Flaw: I one satirized a noble who still wants my head. It was a mistake I am likely to repeat.

Background. Brunelda was apprenticed at a young age to the renown blacksmith Thargas Ironhammer to carry on one of the great Hammercrag family traditions, (That would be minin’, smithin’ and jewelin’.) and showed some promise. But she couldn’t help but be enchanted by her brother Thalstad’s tales from his soldiering. Her dreams of a quiet life at home were quickly replaced by dreams of adventure in the wide world. Before she knew it, she would get her chance.

It was on a trading trip to a human city when Brunelda saw Nicodaemus Wonderstone’s World-Famous (According to Nicodaemus, anyway.) Mobile Carnival of Merriment and Ballyhoo™. Enraptured by the wonders of the circus and the thought of seeing the Whole of the Sword Coast and Maybe Even Beyond™, she couldn’t resist! She bid Thargas farewell, handed him a letter to deliver to her mum and da, and joined Nicodaemus’ troupe.

At first, Brunelda was a simple carnie, doing whatever job needed doing whenever it needed doing, including putting some of her blacksmithing skills to work. But she watched all the acts very closely and practiced the routines every day. It wasn’t long before she was called upon to perform with the other players - acting in the ribald comic scenes, singing the bawdy tavern songs, and spinning raunchy tales! She even began learning magical secrets from the troupe’s fortune-teller, Madame Kali.

The troupe soon learned that satire is a tricky business. Although some nobles are endowed with hides thick enough to withstand a few barbs from a pack of lowly commoners, others of a more thin-skinned variety prove themselves rather sensitive to the lightest of pricks. Others still match their thin-skins with short tempers, and pair those short tempers with streaks of violence… and enough cash to hire a gaggle of thugs to crush packs of lowly commoners who think they’re funny.

And so the wanderings of Nicodaemus Wonderstone’s World-Famous Mobile Carnival of Merriment and Ballyhoo™ came to their ignominious end. The members of the troupe (those who yet lived, anyway) were scattered to the winds to seek their fortunes otherwise. Some say that the noble whose irresponsibly deep pettiness brought the troupe low still seeks the surviving members. Some say that a mysterious gnome is forming a new troupe with which to take his revenge. All we know is that Brunelda is on the road again.

TL; DR: I ran away and joined the circus. 

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Bad Guys Come to Town, Team Ruins Ogre Dinner


4 pp
18 gp
4 gems @ 100 gp ea
Potion of Invulnerability
5 riding horses, 5 saddlebags, 6 scimitars
2 Potions of Greater Healing from Mazy
cash-wise, we still have 20 sp and 60 cp from the gobbos

Bad Guys Come to Town

Occy is awoken early in the morning by a tap, tap, tap on his door. He wakes up and speaks with a Tavern Maid who is very distressed. She asks him to come down stairs and talk to him. Oci wakes up 'The Baron' who quickly puts on his armor and gets his weapons. They go downstairs and she starts to tell him about a band of ruffians that came to town late last night.

As soon as The Baron hears about some bad guys in town he goes back up and knocks on the hotel room that Tyr and Bru are staying in. Bru is awoken and once he hears that some trouble is brewing he wakes up Tyr. They all come back downstairs.

While The Baron was upstairs the Tavern Maid tells Occy that the bad guys are staying in room right next to us! And they refused to pay any money for their rooms, being very harsh and brandishing weapons.

Once the party is together downstairs they start to hear loud noises from upstairs. So then Brunelda, Tyr, and Occy go upstairs to investigate. The Baron is slow to go investigate as well due to him reading up on Protection Aasimars, who have special abilities that are different from the other two Aasimar subtypes!

Then they get into a fight in the middle of the Tavern upstairs. In which the guards are easily disposed of, but their leader is a little harder to deal with. The Baron casts a spell on him to have their leader focus in actions on him, while Occy fired off a couple of Fire Bolts into The Barons back, causing him to go unconscious...

As the fight takes place the party hears Kella from room #6 take off with one of the 7 horses that were outside.

Ogre Party

The party investigates the Dripping Caves and finds two Ogres about to cook two nice people. We start to stop them from doing so.

End of Round 3 of the Orgre dinner party