Monday, March 6, 2017

The Baron Backstory


Background: Guild Artisan
Trait: Always looking to help out others and further develop his skills in Metalworking.
Ideal: ??? I have it written down at home…
Bond: ??? I have it written down at home…
Flaw: ??? I have it written down at home…

Tattoo Location: Top of right hand, but he keeps it covered with a glove all the time...

Bernard Beaudiuex was born from a human family that lived in a nice little village about a days fast march from Baulder's Gate. He was the youngest kid, with two older sisters. He really enjoyed his childhood with his parents and sisters. 

As Bernard grew up he loved his family very much, in which he learned the skills to be a fighter for the local guard.

But then one day there was a raid on his town by a group of Goblins, Kobolds, Orcs, and Bugbears. They killed his parents. He was able to successfully escape the raid with his two sisters.

After he survived this ordeal, he went into deep depression. In which he couldn’t do much except scavenge for food. That is when he became an member of the Church of Ilmater. With that he became a devoted member of the Church. The order the church helped him recover from his depression and he went back to his village and help re-build his home with his sisters and help the village. As he did these efforts they started to refer to him as ‘The Baron’ due to his tallness and broad shoulders.

The order of Paladins of Ilmater noticed his abilities and taught him to be a Paladin. But some members of the Paladin order made fun on his Aasimar heritage. This lead to a fight that Bernard and the bullies that were making fun his skin and eyes. Bernard seriously hurt some of the bullies and was kicked out of the Church in Baulder’s Gate.

The Baron went back to his small village, and became leader. In which he had townsfolk started calling him ‘The Baron’, and he would continuously wear a large white cloak that covers his head and shields others from seeing his face and eyes. Bernard hoped that he would someday rebuild the forge that is in the village. Currently it is just an ancient ruin, just a large pile of rocks.

But his sisters felt uncomfortable with his humility, being that they had grown up wealthy. During his absence one of the sisters had married a kind of wealthy young man from a neighboring village named Aiden. The new husband's family was very jealous by nature and immediately starting plotting against The Baron. Aiden respected The Baron and all of his accomplishments improving the village, but his family came first. So Aiden with the help of his new wife and family, forced The Baron to leave town in disgrace. What they made up has somewhat been forgotten, but the betrayal of his sister hurt more than anything, so now The Baron has become an adventurer.

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