Monday, March 6, 2017

Occy Back Story

Race: Human (Variant)
Class: Wild Magic Sorcerer
Background: Haunted One
Feats: Magic Initiate (Warlock) and War Caster
Mysterious Tattoo Location: Nape
Description:-Buzz Cut
-Pale Skin
-Dark Circles
-Wears a loose, hooded, light brown robe that goes down to his waist
-Covers his head with a hood and wraps the upper-right side of his face with cloth whenever he's around people.
-Glyph Marks on both hands that are used as Arcane Focus (Will use Gothic Trinket (Tobi) as back up in case hands get chopped off)
-Avoids exposing his body in front of people and gets upset when people ask about it.

Backstory: Occy was only 10 when he was taken from the orphanage by a shady mage organization that had an underground lab right beneath a fairly populated town. The mage organization had a goal to infuse arcane energy into a mundane person and turn them into powerful magic users. They believe that this is the only way that all races can evolve into the next stage. After going through many cruel experiments that ended up being unsuccessful, Occy started to hear voices in his head that he believes are the demons that lives in his soul.
(For Mark: If you can, can you help me do the negative voices in my head that makes me hate myself? If not, then I can try to do it.
When the mage organization performed a forbidden arcane ritual on him, Occy finally became one with magic. However, the ritual was so unstable that it blew up the underground lab and the town, killing hundreds of people and possibly leaving no survivors. Occy doesn't feel guilty for all the deaths from this incident. He believes that the mage organization caused this incident.

Personality:-Constantly feeling depressed and rarely ever smiles.
                   -Likes the idea of being a hero.
                   -Acts shy when dealing with good people. Acts aggressively when dealing with bad guys.

Ideals: Helping someone in need is a brave and suicidal act when I'm the one that saving from my demons, but I'm still willing to do it

Bonds:One of the professors was kind to me during my imprisonment and treated me like a human being. He was the one that gave me Tobi so that I felt like I had a friend in this terrible world. I don't know if he survived the explosion.

Flaws:-I can be a little hesitant to cast spells because I'm afraid that I'll blow up and kill all of my friends.
-I have a bad habit of panicking during stressful situations.

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