Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Tyr finds a Book, Half-Elf/Deer People Make Trade, Demon Baboons, and a Clockwork Salesman!

A quick summary of the party's resources:


4 pp, 332 gp, 75 sp, 147 cp

4 gems (100 gp each)
silver salt and pepper shakers (25 gp each)
silver holy symbol of a unicorn's head (??? gp)
wooden holy symbol with inlaid gold (??? gp)
leather case with thieves' tools (??? gp)

potion of stone giant strength
potion of invulnerability
potion of healing
2x potion of greater healing
5x vial of bitch monkey 'roids

Bag of Holding

Let me ‘splain…No, there is too much. Let me sum up ...

5 dead Behtu, 3 Behtu got away: 2925 XP (5 party members 585 each)

900 XP for roleplaying - great entertainment



ENDING XP: 8060 (14000 xp next level)

The party cleans up for the morning before disembarking. Tyr finds a strange book with glyphs on the binding among Arthur's things. A dog eared passage sticks out and Tyr reads it to the group . . .

The first page reads Fortunes and Favor 2000 years, stories of the seer

"Content to rule the skies the storm giant king, Unthlion, never bothered with the dealings of small people. His best friend and advisor, formir, was the seer who first brought to light the foretelling of the broken ordning and the chaos that would disrupt it. Unthlion not knowing when this would take place found himself looking to a alliance with a ruler in the small peoples kingdom. Deals and pacts were made and the only thing that was certain was that when this disruption took place the chosen, Horundflur, champions of the small people would be the giants saviors."

Further reading revealed . ..  .

"These saviors would be branded with the giants magic . . . "

Tyr accidentally thinks of the one old book he knew and it instantly changes into that: "Cult Basics 101: Mommy issues and how joining a cult can cure them"

The party joins with a half-orc adventurer that enjoys drinking his morning breakfast. They instantly hit it off.

AND THEN . . .upset with Occy's fireworks, a group of Alseid (Half-Elf/Deer people) demand that Occy be turn over for trial. They accept Occy's ring as favor for his mistake. The group quickly moves eastward and begins their long trek through the magical forest of Neverwinter.

They quickly find the forest is not a friendly place and after a long drinking game that ended up in a threesome, a triad, a trio of half-orc, human, dwarf drinking spooning, regurgitation, and general debauchery, the group finds themselves holed up for the day. Baron scouts out for the party and possibly prays for the souls of his sinning brothers. Tyr did something but I can't remember . . ..

AND THEN . . .  Bright eyed (not really) and bushy tailed (hung over), the party ventures on. After a couple days, they run into a small raiding party of Behtu (Baboon, boar, demonic humanoids) that don't taste like chicken. After a long battle, Brunelda manages to convince them to leave (they were losing badly anyway). The party continues on for several days nearly reaching the end of the forest when they  meet a nice looking gentleman in a suit.

Moncrieff Waring the Clockwork Salesman . . . "It's Not what I need dear gentlemen . . . Its what you need and I, Moncrieff Waring, have the wares that you didn't know you needed."

After several hours of hard negotiation, the party came away with 5 clockwork beetles and and clockwork dog for Occy. A very interesting wednesday  . . .oh  . . .what a night!

Oh  . . .What A Night . . . Late December back in '63 . . . what a very special time for me, as I remember what I night . . . . .

Nuff Said !!! DM OUT !!!!

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