Monday, March 6, 2017

Tyr Shadebane Back Story

Warpriest / Fighter

Background: Acolyte
Trait: Intolerant of other faiths and condemn the worship of other gods.
Ideal: We must help bring about the changes the gods are constantly working in the world.
Bond: I will someday get revenge on the corrupt temple hierarchy who branded me a heretic.
Flaw: I am suspicious of strangers and expect the worst of them.

Tyr joined the cult of the priests of the raging inferno very young and was brainwashed by their leader Mordred LeFey.

After several emotional outbursts and challenging authority, Tyrs family was beaten in front of him as punishment for disobedience.

Tyr tried to escape a dozen times but was caught and punished again. This time his family was beheaded.

After five years of this tyr finally discovered his resistance to fire. He trained himself to fight with a halberd so people couldn't get close to him.
 So in one last attempt to escape,  tyr set compound on fire while everyone was asleep.

Tyr locked all the doors and stood to watch everyone burn alive.

Tyr then went to Mordred's cabin only to find a trap door hidden under all that ash. It was then tyr knew he had to run.

On the move for three days, tyr made it to a small town. He was able to work at the tavern for room and board. He also healed people for money.

Tyr woke up to the town on fire and thought it was Mordred coming for him. So he joined a group of random adventurers in haste.....

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